Tips for Studying Online

With the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, the move to online learning has only accelerated. Whilst a lot of people will be familiar with studying online from recorded university lectures, it requires a certain focus to ensure that you use online studying to its full potential. We have set out below some top tips for how best to study online.

Set up your study space

If at all possible, set up a space that is dedicated to studying. You may kid yourself that you that you can work from your bed as well as you can from a desk, but it’s unlikely to be the case in the long run. You ideally want to set up somewhere that is free from distractions and interruptions and lets you focus on your work.

Organise and plan

Without having to physically attend classes, it can be harder to stay motivated and diligent in the same way. One way to tackle this is to be rigorous about your planning. Set up an online calendar to keep track of all your classes and deadlines. Use it to block out time for studying and revising but make sure to also plan in breaks to make sure you stay focused.

Avoid procrastinating

You’re better to take short regular breaks and focus whilst you’re working, than to sit in front of your computer for hours but spend half of your time procrastinating. There are many ways to tackle procrastination, but if you really struggle, look into a browser extension that blocks social media and put your phone out of reach. Work in short bursts and give yourself regular time off so that you can stay focused.